The 5 Best Online DAWs for Easy Music Creation

A digital audio workstation is usually a hefty investment. It might need a certain amount of computing power to operate well.
Luckily, there are creative tools online that allow for instant creation. These online music makers provide comparable functionality to traditional DAWs.
Online DAWs are perfect if you’re wanting to start creating right away. You can start making music now without commiting to a full fledged DAW.

These DAWs are easy for beginners to learn.
What is an online DAW?
An online DAW is a music recording and sequencing software program that runs in your browser or a web-based mobile app. Online DAWs host and process audio files entirely in the cloud and don’t rely on your device’s hardware to perform their function. They can be used on a wide variety of devices including smartphones, netbooks, tablets and conventional PCs.
In the past, technology was so limited that audio processing could only be done natively on a powerful machine.
Today, fast internet connections and cloud computing make it possible to run a full DAW completely online.
Today, fast internet connections and cloud computing make it possible to run a full DAW completely online.
Why use an online DAW?
Online DAWs can be used anywhere, on any platform and any type of hardware. They’re purpose built for collaboration and generally easier to use than full-fledged DAWs.
If you’re looking for a simple way to create music and don’t want to bother learning a dedicated production program, an online DAW might be for you.
But despite their advantages, online DAWs come with some challenges and limitations to keep in mind.
Traditional DAWs still dominate when it comes to stability, flexibility and raw power.
Plus, switching platforms from your collaborators’ main DAW to a new online app will take time and effort. Consider using a dedicated music collaboration tool if you work with others who prefer to stay in their DAW of choice.
But an online DAW is always a great place to learn if you’re getting started.
Here’s a hot tip: If you’re looking for an easy way to piece together samples and make beats online try Creator, LANDR’s new online sampling tool.
Creator time stretches and pitch shifts all the samples for you, so its ridiculously easy to hear how your ideas sound together.
With that out of the way, here’s the list of the 6 best online DAWs:
1. Soundtrap

Soundtrap was the first web-based, cross platform collaborative music recording studio to come on the scene.
It’s a perfect introduction to the DAW experience that includes essential features of a typical recording setup.
Soundtrap even comes with an online autotune tool, if you’re looking for a very basic way of getting that classic Auto-Tune effect.
Of course you can always rent-to-own Auto-Tune Access if you’re looking for the real deal on a budget.
Powerful collaborative tools make Soundtrap a go-to online DAW for many educators. Features like video calling and Google Classroom make it a great learning tool for beginners.
2. Amped Studio

Amped Studio is a unique online DAW made for producers to create quickly. Its ‘hum’ feature allows you to turn your singing and beatboxing into MIDI data.
Amped Studio features WAMs, which are browser based audio plugins. WAM stands for “Web Audio Module”. Several free WAMs are available on Amped Studio, but more WAMs are available for download at wam.fm.
Amped Studio is free to use. Premium users gain access to more plugins which include a compressor, limiter, gate, expander and phaser.
3. Soundation

Soundation is another great online DAW that utilizes their own sequencer. It contains many features available in expensive desktop applications.
It features a whopping 700 royalty free loops, and five virtual synthesizers. Four sample players are also available, as well as 14 real time effects. Notable effects include: “Fakie” a side chain simulator, and “wubfilter” which allows filter automation with an LFO.
Soundation is available for free. Paid accounts receive access to more than 12,000 loops & samples, as well as an 8 band parametric EQ.
4. Audio Tool

Audio Tool is an online DAW that takes on the world of modular. It’s a great environment if you want to learn the workflow of early electronic musicians.
The modular workflow gives you full freedom to route, split or merge different synthesizers outputs.
Audio Tool uses their community to grow their library of over 250,000 samples, and 50000 device presets. It also features an impressive amount of effects, synthesizers and drum machines.
Audio Tool is free, making it one of the most valuable online DAWs on this list. Check it out and get involved with their active community of music makers.
5. Audio Sauna

Audio Sauna is an online DAW with a variety of synthesizers and a heavy duty sampler. It doesn’t support audio, but is a great tool if you’re looking to learn different types of synthesis and sampling.
It sports an analog style synthesizer as well as an FM synthesizer. Both synthesizers come loaded with presets and offer a variety of customizable parameters.
It’s important to note that this DAW runs on Flash and hasn’t been updated in a bit. Even so, it’s 100% free and works well.
Create music online
Online DAWs are here to stay.
There’s no telling whether they’ll take over as the internet becomes more powerful and accessible.
Try one out and see for yourself. Create a track, master it, and release it now.
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